
Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Happy New Year my dear readers. It is the time of goals and resolutions. My usual list to read more and actually get into shape. It still is, but I have one unconventional resolution this year. I want to live all year round, to be evergreen.

See, for the last few months, things have been crazy and time has been going by so fast. From Thanksgiving to New Years, it was a revolving door of family visiting, seeing old friends, parties, dinners, and while still trying to keep up with everyday work/laundry/sleep. One moment we have to decorate for Christmas and before you know it, January 2012 has arrived. And I was never to get into the spirit of Christmas until 5pm December 25th.

As we were putting away our Christmas decorations, that’s all I kept thinking about.

Growing up, I loved Christmas to the point of obsession. I would listen to Christmas music all year round (still guilty of now). There was one point that I was seriously considering to change my name to Christmas (Kristen to Christmas isn’t really that big of a deal). I wanted to put my own 3ft tree up in my room by September, wanting to leave it up till March. And for the rest of the year, I used to keep a small 10 inch  tree up. It would be nonstop marathons of the classic Rankin-Bass Christmas movies complete with Christmas cookies.

It was my favorite time of year.

Then in my senior year of high school, I simply could not get into Christmas. I had lost my Christmas spirit. And it would be that way for the next few years.

I would blame something called College and Finals. I stop putting up decorations, listening to Christmas music, decorating a tree, because I didn’t have the time.  It really was that I didn’t feel any Christmas spirit, and to be honest, I didn’t feel like myself.

When I was dorming a year ago, Christmas 2010 was slowly approaching and no Christmas spirit was happening. Even with forcing myself to watch every Christmas Special on TV. I was really down because I had a strong feeling I wouldn’t be returning to college next semester.

But I realized that I had bought a lot of glitter and construction paper. Being the 8 yr. old that I am, I decided to decorate my room with very sparkly paper snowflakes, paper trees, and paper chains. And that kind of brought my Christmas spirits back.

So for Christmas 2011, I wanted to make sure I really got into the spirit of Christmas. Started a Christmas countdown, watching my Christmas movies, listening to my favorite Christmas music in October. I would have put my tree up then too, but my parents wouldn’t let me.

Then life just got crazy, again. I was working two jobs. It was so busy that I didn’t know what the date was. All I knew was that it was December.

Then it was Christmas Eve.

We were to spend it with my mom’s side of the family. I knew we had a bit of a drive ahead of us. All I kept saying was, “God, I’m here in the same exact place as last year, and the year before. I love Christmas. How could I have missed it this year again?”

Why is Christmas so important to me? Christmas is the one time of year where magic is real. The whole season is about having faith. If you just believe, anything is possible. Where love and happiness are over abundant. You make it a priority to see your family and loved ones. It’s the one time of year where you can listen to songs about the birth of Jesus Christ on almost every radio station and every store you shop.

It is the day we choose to celebrate that He was born to die so we could one day pray to Him to save both yours and my life.

So this New Year, instead of waiting and entire year for the next holiday season to that I decided I want to live this way all year round, to not save it all for just a few short days in December.

That is my new years resolution.
I want to live all year round, I want to be evergreen.

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